Handcrafted Jewelry by Jenne Rayburn incorporating Piercing & Sawing

March 10, 2014 § Leave a comment

Many of my designs are two-dimensional graphic interpretations of the world around me, cut from metal sheet and then hammered. This involves using a saw frame with a very fine blade to cut out intricate shapes, such as the animals and symbols featured in the Ark Collection of necklaces, earrings and bracelets.

Handcrafted Totemic Necklaces by Jenne Rayburn

Handcrafted Totemic Necklaces by Jenne Rayburn

Piercing is the jewelry technique of slicing through metal using a saw. The metal is cut starting at the sheet’s edge, or a drill is used to poke a hole through the center in which the saw’s thin blade can enter. Piercing allows you to extract bits of metal to produce specific, handcrafted pieces.

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